Wildlife at Raven's Wing B&B
Raven’s Wing sits on the edge of town just across from a lake and wooded area. This, along with the gardens, brings many visitors of the four-footed kind and many winged friends. During your stay, you may see deer, rabbits, woodchucks, chipmunks, and squirrels. Hummingbirds frequent the flower beds as do many pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
Ravens roost in the spruce trees surrounding Raven’s Wing and many small birds nest in our yard. Warblers can be heard calling in the spring and robins, nuthatches and goldfinches are always around. Sitting in the patio or on the porch brings you right into the midst of all this nature and gives you an excellent view of all the goings on. Watch out, those chipmunks would love for you to drop a few biscotti crumbs for them! And if you see deer grazing my gardens, feel free to report them to the authorities—namely Wende.